17 Simon Fraser University Research Projects Will Commence Following a $2.9M fund from the Canada Foundation for Innovation

Seventeen Simon Fraser University research projects, which range from building Canada’s first single-molecule force microscope suite to improving survival rates for acute myeloid leukaemia, have received a total $2.9 million from the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s (CFI) John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF). This is the largest amount the University has received from this fund in any year.

The JELF funds the foundational infrastructure researchers need to pursue their research and become leaders in their field. The funding helps Simon Fraser University to remain internationally competitive in areas of research and technology development that align with the University’s strategic priorities.

“We are grateful for CFI’s ongoing support as we continue to grow and expand the university’s capacity in research excellence and innovation,” says Dugan O’Neil, Simon Fraser University vice-president. “I want to also congratulate the Simon Fraser University researchers whom the CFI is recognizing as leaders in their respective fields. This funding will allow these researchers to take their transformative discoveries to the next level.”

The CFI’s significant investment in scientific research infrastructure highlights the importance of fundamental science driven research to pave the way for future breakthroughs and bolster Canada’s reputation as a research powerhouse.

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