Grain farmers are members of many different R&D organizations in Canada, through checkoffs deducted from grain cheques. For instance, in Saskatchewan province alone, there are 10 different [...]
Navdeep Bains, the Minister for Innovation, Science and Economic Development wants to make innovation a core Canadian value, in order to build a path to a stronger middle class and higher-quality [...]
Water that is used to carry out SR&ED work is generally not considered as a material for SR&ED. Its cost may only be treated as an SR&ED ‘overhead and other expenditures’ [...]
Proposals by the US government have called for a reduction of the corporate tax to 15 percent. This includes pass-through businesses that are small/medium size, where businesses pass earnings to [...]
Innovation is essential for creating new jobs in today’s knowledge economy. Canada is the world’s 11th largest economy and has plenty of room to improve. Innovators have time and again [...]
In Les Abeilles Service De Conditionnement Inc. v. The Queen (2014 CCI 313), Justice Jorre ruled in favor of the taxpayer’s SR&ED claims that related to four different projects. The goal of [...]
The Canadian Department of Finance released a draft package of technical amendments to the Income Tax Act (ITA) on September 16th, 2016. Among them were the following changes to the existing [...]
Many small and medium-sized companies do not believe that the SR&ED tax credit can be a good source of funding for them. Often, they do not realize that a research lab is not required to [...]
Canadian Natural Resources Limited has topped the energy sector for research and development, spending $558 million in 2016 on R&D projects. Overall, the company ranked as the fourth largest [...]
Most of the time when SR&ED tax credit is mentioned, many minds simply think of technological companies or individuals in lab coats but in fact, SR&ED encompasses much more than this. [...]