Research and development is at the core of innovation and forms the foundation of economic prosperity and job creation in Canada. The capacity for research and development could been improved [...]
In the 2016 fiscal year, Canada’s leading research hospitals spent a total of nearly $2.5 billion on research, which represented a 4.1% increase in spend over 2015. The data was released by [...]
Technology and innovation are essential in the global economy. However, when compared to its peers, Canada has been lagging behind. Due to this, the government needs to step up its game by [...]
Licensed producers of medical cannabis may not realise that they are performing scientific research or experimental development (SR&ED). Upon closer inspection however, such producers may [...]
The Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada (AMC) is a national, member-driven organization that is dedicated to offering a strong, viable and highly respected agricultural manufacturing industry. [...]
British Columbia cleantech is one of the fastest growing sectors in the province according to a report released by KPMG and the CEO Alliance. The report data came from survey results from over [...]
A report on business investment in research and development acknowledged that there exists a ‘disconnect’ between the strongly funded research and development activities in Canadian universities [...]
Open innovation refers to collaboration between industry competitors to increase overall research and development. In the energy sector in Canada, open innovation usually occurs through [...]
The water companies in Ontario, Canada form part of a world-class water technology ecosystem. They include 900 water companies, 22,000 water industry employees, 42 Canadian Research Chairs [...]
In 2015, the Canada Revenue Agency made changes to the guidance document, “Eligibility of Work for SR&ED Investment Tax Credits Policy,” which outlines work that can be considered [...]